Top 4 Survey Templates for Enhancing E-commerce Sales

Reiko Tsuzuki
August 7, 2023

Are you struggling with low sales, poor visitor conversion, and low repeat rates on your e-commerce website?

If so, you're not alone. Many e-commerce businesses face these challenges. But there's good news: you can overcome them by incorporating purpose-specific web surveys targeted at your customers.

Purpose-specific web surveys can also help you improve your visitor conversion rate and increase repeat rates. By understanding what your customers want and need, you can create a better shopping experience that will keep them coming back for more.

When conducting surveys on an e-commerce website, it is essential to ensure that they do not interfere with the customer's purchasing process. Disrupting the shopping experience can lead to lower conversion rates and customer satisfaction. We recommend conducting a post-purchase survey on the thank-you page with a single question. This format often yields higher response rates, even without incentives like coupons, minimizing costs and resources.

In this article, we will introduce effective examples of post-purchase surveys, along with sample questions, to address the challenges you are currently facing.

① Marketing attribution

This type of survey aims to understand how people learn about your online store. By understanding the marketing attribution channels, it becomes possible to confirm the effectiveness of various promotional strategies and prioritize resource allocation. While site analysis can reveal the referring sites that direct visitors to the shop, determining the initial point of knowledge about the site is challenging. Therefore, it is ideal to approach this question from both perspectives.

Example Question:

Q. How did you hear about us?

You can also include the following options, depending on your target audience and own marketing channels:

② NPS (Net Promoter Score)

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey is a common metric used to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. NPS helps evaluate how strongly customers support a company's products or services.

In NPS, a typical question is asked, "On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?" Based on the score, customers are classified into three groups:

NPS is represented by the "NPS Score," which is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. If the score is low or has decreased compared to the previous measurement, it indicates that improvements are necessary.

Example question:

Q. How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?

③ Persona

Persona research is a customer analysis technique used in fields such as marketing and product development. The purpose of this research is to understand the target customer segment for specific products or services and grasp their needs and behavioral patterns.

In persona research, a fictional character or specific individual called "persona" is created. Specific details such as age, gender, occupation, hobbies, and lifestyle are added to this persona.

By establishing personas, the customer's perspective and viewpoint become clear, making decisions regarding product lineup, marketing strategies, and creative considerations more seamless. Additionally, having team members imagine the same persona associated with a product enables the communication of a unified message and image.

The steps for establishing personas are as follows:

  1. Clearly define the target customer segment for the research. For example, narrow it down based on specific age groups or interests.
  2. Collect data on the target customer segment. Utilize methods like surveys to understand their behavioral patterns, opinions, and needs.
  3. Create the persona: Based on the collected data, establish a fictional character that embodies the characteristics of actual customers.
  4. During the second data collection phase, a "post-purchase survey" can also be effective. For example, with questions like the following, it becomes possible to identify the purpose of the purchase, i.e., for whom the product was bought.

Example question:

Q. Who are you shopping for?

④ Site Usability

Site usability research is a methodology used to evaluate and validate how website users perceive aspects such as design, navigation, functionality, and content in terms of user-friendliness. The purpose of this research is to identify any issues or areas for improvement based on the experiences of customers when using the site.

Methods such as "User Testing," where actual users are asked to interact with the website or app while their actions and feedback are recorded, and "Eye Tracking," which tracks and analyzes which parts of the website users focus on, can be highly effective. However, conducting these methods may require significant resources, making them not easily accessible for every situation.

The "post-purchase survey" can also be utilized for a simple site usability assessment. By using surveys to gather opinions and feedback related to usability, it becomes possible to identify areas for improvement.

Based on the results of usability research, improving the design and structure of the website can lead to a smoother shopping experience, increased sales, and higher customer satisfaction.

Example question:

Q. Did you encounter any problems when placing your order? If yes, what were they?

Ready to launch your first marketing attribution survey on your Shopify store? Install the Gojiberry Survey & Feedback app here.

Discover the Full Potential of Marketing Attribution

Ready to dive deeper into the world of marketing attribution? Our comprehensive report, "State of Marketing Attribution in E-commerce," is packed with valuable insights, real-world data comparisons, and actionable recommendations to help you enhance your marketing strategies.